b Squared Architecture inc. has been solving design challenges since 2005. With experience in a variety of project types, ranging from custom single family homes, to multi family dwellings and commercial buildings.
b Squared Architecture specializes in high performance buildings, from net zero to passive homes our understanding of new material and construction methods allow us to deliver modern designs that perform to the highest standards.
b Squared

The devil is in the details. Dualing Architects from the Pacific North West explore clever solutions to common, yet tricky details. Builders, architects, industry professionals and homeowners are interested in learning more about Larssen trusses, insulation below footings, window installation, inverted roofs, and exactly what a Passive House looks like. We will look in-depth at various Passive House assemblies and the envelope science that make the air-tight, thermal-bridge free design so effective. With municipalities leaning towards requiring the involvement of Architects or Building Envelope Professionals for all Passive House projects, to facilitate the permitting and construction process, the simple and intuitive envelope science of Passive House has become a more important aspect of our practice than ever.
A look inside: New super-green Passive House townhomes in Vancouver
This project converted an existing 1974 stacked duplex house to three independent high-performance townhouse units. Located in Mount Pleasant, the project achieved passive house certification and addressed Vancouver’s need for increased densification while achieving energy and carbon performance targets in the City of Vancouver’s Zero Emissions Building Plan. The townhouse utilizes a thermally insulated and airtight envelope, passive cooling strategies, heat recovery ventilation systems, and heat pumps for heating and domestic hot water supply.
The City of Vancouver has received an application to rezone 2109 West 35th Avenue from RS-5 (One-Family Dwelling) District to CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) District.
This 18—unit row house development is situated in the Kitsilano area of Vancouver. Wood framing was chosen because it is economical and can be erected quickly. Numerous competitive bids from framing crews were sought.Wood cladding with a natural cedar stain at the third floor was chosen as a material change from the heavier brick base.Large soffit overhangs in V-Groove pine also stained a natural color was used. The stair enclosure connecting the parking structure to above landscape is open slats affixed to a metal frame providing safety lighting at night and visibility during the daytime.The same wood slat expression is used along the lane elevation fencing and at privacy screens.